Labels:text | screenshot | rectangle | diagram OCR: JAVA SECURITY WITH RESPECT TO COMPONENTS The improvements needed in Java security are aimed at assuring that e-business applications are secure. The, Note: The term "Secure Dynamically Bound Code" following schematic highlights the needed movement from in the following schematic' sters to a collectort of distributed applets assembled within a single HTML an initial applet-onty deployment scenario, with minimal protection requirements, to an environment where any page of a collection of JavaBeans of Enterprise JavaBeans composed in an application builder, or program type (e.g ., applet, serviot, etc.) has the same protection primitives and a policy enforcement mechanismn dynamically during run time; to construct an capable of uniform policy enforcement available on all application .. platforms. In addition, the functionality Improvements and assurance quality from release to release will improve the strength of protection provided. SECURE DYNAMICALLY: CODE DYNAMICALLY BOONO. STRATEGIC DIRACTION STAT CALLY ROUND INGH STRENGTH OF SECURITY;